
Ceramic Wales

14 Jun 2025 Until
15 Jun 2025

Bringing Ceramics to North Wales since 2016

Ceramic Wales was founded in 2015 by a group of potters based in and around North Wales, who had a vision of creating a quality ceramic event to promote potters from across the UK and the rest of the world. Our first show took place in 2016 at Wrexham Glyndwr University and was followed by three more annual events located within the area.

Ceramic Wales re-launched in 2022 in a new location, only a short drive along the coast to the beautiful Bodrhyddan Hall in Denbighshire. Ceramic Wales is brought to you in collaboration with Bodrhyddan Hall, combining our Ceramic event with the long established Bodrhyddan Plant Fayre, with the addition of a third “food” element, bringing together the perfect combination of “Pots Plants and Food”.

The location forms a beautiful setting in which to showcase the very best ceramics from the UK and beyond. With Plants and Food to compliment the variety of Ceramics on display and the beautiful gardens to explore, Ceramic Wales 2022 aims to bring together a whole new experience, not to be missed!

We look forward to welcoming visitors and makers once again on the on the 14th and 15th of June 2024.


Bordrhyddan Hall
Dyserth Road
LL18 5SB